Panama Geisha - Anaerobic Washed from the Hacienda Barbara Estate!

**This coffee is from our superlative menu and is roasted to order. It will take longer to prepare and this coffee may not be in stock in-store.  The best way to order is to place the order online with the option to pickup or be sent via courier.  On average we roast this coffee once per week. 

The Hacienda Barbara Estate is well known for growing specialty coffee in the best regions of Panama for over 20-years.   The farms are located in Jaramillo and Piedra Candela regions.  Both farms have produced the 'Best of Panama' winning Catuais (type of coffee variety grown).

We have both the Hacienda Barbara (HB) Geisha's: washed and anerobic washed.  What is the difference?
Anerobic processing is when the coffee is fermented without oxygen in pressurised tanks with C02 built up.  This additional pressure forces the juices and sugars into the coffee and often have a distinct lactic acid fermented taste.

As a coffee roaster, we’ve roasted this bean to bring out the most of its natural flavours.  This specialty coffee has been roasted light to suit mainly filter style brew methods.  


Geisha (or Gesha) is the name of this extremely rare coffee variety originated in Ethiopia, although now commonly grown in other areas and often associated with Panamian coffees.  The Geisha variety is one of the most sought after coffee variety's in the world for its extraordinary taste and unique aroma.

The Geisha trees require a significant amount of care, attention and labour compared to other coffee trees.  This meticulous process results in a lower yield than other coffee.

For coffee professional's who dedicate their life to the bean, the Panama Geisha coffee is considered as close to perfection as you can get.
The Panama Geisha auction fetches the highest priced coffees in the world.  More info about Geisha can be found here: 'Why a Pound of Panama Geisha Coffee Sold for $1,029'.



Ageing these Geisha beans is very important and we kindly ask you to let this coffee sit for at least 2-weeks after its roast date.  These beans hold their aroma and flavour for over 3-months from their roast date.


😋 Flavour Notes:

Rock melon and light melon flavours with a delicate acidity and a medium viscosity.  Mint and herb notes present, red wine and a creamy finish of roasted nuts.

✍️ Recipe:

Filter Brew Ratio: 1:14
Brew Time: Less than 2-minutes (depending on brew method).
This means that for every gram of ground coffee added into the filter there is 15 grams of hot water.  Still stuck?  Check out this video to learn about applying brew ratios here.

Our recipes are designed as templates for starting points and do vary depending on many other variables including personal preferences in particular.

Where it’s from: 

Central America, Panama, Jaramillo and Piedra Candela.  

Farmer: Rogers Family from Hacienda Barbara Estate.

Variety: Geisha.

Altitude: 1,450 - 1,700 MASL

Process: Anaerobic Washed.

Panama Geisha - Hacienda Barbara Anaerobic Washed

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