¥162.00 CNY
Delicious Guarantee Otherwise we'll replace the bag or help you to brew until it's delicious!
Free Shipping Over $35 *Coffee beans
Ethically Sourced Our coffee is traceable and sourced in an ethical manner

Best of Panama Auction Winner Farm Lot!

**This coffee is from our superlative menu and is roasted to order. It will take longer to prepare and this coffee may not be in stock in-store.  The best way to order is to place the order online with the option to pickup or be sent via courier.  On average we roast this coffee once per week. 

This coffee is a farm lot from the Best Of Panama (BOP) auction.  This auction features some of the best and highest priced coffee in the world.  This lot is named White Stallion from the Santos Cafe farm located in Santa Clara, Panama.

As a coffee roaster, we’ve roasted this bean to bring out the most of its natural flavours.  This specialty coffee has been roasted light to suit mainly filter style brew methods.  


The Pacamara variety is a cross between the Maragogype and a Pacas.  It is known for being a physically large bean great for pour-over due to its rich acidity.  It yields high quality cups with a large body.


Best of Panama (BOP) 

The Best of Panama is a platform designed to showcase Panamian coffee growers.  This is carried out with the evaluation from a set of national and international panel of judges which work with the growers to help them cultivate extreme levels of quality by way of flavour and processing methods.
More about BOP and information on their process and auctions can be found here.



Ageing these superlative coffee's are super important and we kindly ask you to let this coffee sit for at least a week after its roast date.  These beans hold their aroma and flavour for over 2-months from their roast date.


😋 Flavour Notes:

Sweet honey, cinnamon, brown spices and a soft floral after taste.  Light grape fruit notes with a clean acidity.


✍️ Recipe:

Filter Brew Ratio: 1:14
Brew Time: Less than 2-minutes (depending on brew method).
This means that for every gram of ground coffee added into the filter there is 15 grams of hot water.  Still stuck?  Check out this video to learn about applying brew ratios here.

Our recipes are designed as templates for starting points and do vary depending on many other variables including personal preferences in particular.

Where it’s from: 

Central America, Panama, Santa Clara, Renacimiento.  

Farmer: Lezcanon Family.

Variety: Geisha.

Altitude: 1,400 MASL

Process: Washed.

Panama - BOP VW-01 Lot | Pacamara Washed
¥162.00 CNY

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
BOP VW01 lot

My first trial of Geisha beans and I like and enjoy it! Remind me of the Yigacheffe beans, this BOP lot also has a nice floral aftertaste and the acidity is just right for my liking. I will continue to experience other superlative beans from you. Thank you Meebz for supplying and roasting these nice beans!

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